Patient Stories - The Bad Smile Blues

Our former and current patients discuss how SmilesNY, with Dr. Steven Roth and Timothy Chase, helped transform their Bad Smile Blues.

The Bad Smile Blues

Our patients discuss what brought them to SmilesNY for dental care and why they chose to undergo their procedures.

Ellyn: My teeth were somewhat uneven.
Leigh: My teeth had yellowed quite a bit. And in my back molars there was a lot of silver fillings.
Kathryn: My teeth were kind of, I don't know how to describe it, I guess kind of see through. And a little bit chipped because I grind them.
Molly: With the grinding at night I was wearing down my teeth.
Lyndsey: I had ground down my teeth, I had some erosion on the front of the teeth, most likely from braces.
Kim: I had a gray tooth in the front here. And it always was off. And I felt like you could notice it every time I saw a picture of myself or looked at myself in the mirror.
Andrea: As a young person dentists used to show my mouth off as what a mouth should look like. But as you get older what happens is your teeth recess or your gums recess. And it's not that attractive.
Leigh: Plus I had a lot of decay in my teeth.
Michele: My teeth were half the size that they are now and when I used to smile I had a ton of gums. So I had to get gum surgery.
Ellyn: I just wanted my smile to be brighter, I wanted my teeth to be brighter. I wanted to have an even set of teeth.
Kim: I was constantly having them whitened but it wasn't really helping because I didn't think they were white enough.
Michele: You see people with really gummy smiles, it's not attractive. And it doesn't look nice. And I felt embarrassed to smile really big.