How to Achieve a Straighter Smile With Invisalign®

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When it comes to your smile, straight is a feature that most people desire. However, many of our patients have had crooked, misaligned, or crowded teeth that they wanted to align discreetly. At SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry, we offer an expedited option of Invisalign® for our patients in New York. Invisalign is just one of many orthodontic options that allows you to use clear trays to realign the teeth and provide a straighter and more beautiful smile. If you are unhappy about your smile, an Invisalign dentist in New York can determine whether you’re a viable candidate for this orthodontic option.

How Invisalign works

Invisalign can be used to fix many orthodontic concerns. An Invisalign dentist in New York will use advanced technology to digitally map out your treatment process.

Invisalign aligners are trays that work to straighten your teeth. They are custom made for each patient and aim to improve oral function. The teeth are gently and gradually moved to their desired position through a series of personalized aligners that are undetectable in the mouth. Each set is worn on the teeth for up to 22 hours a day. Every week or two, the trays are switched to the next ones in the series to keep the teeth moving steadily. There are no dietary limitations unlike traditional metal braces.

SmilesNY in New York can provide the orthodontic option of Invisalign as a part of a smile makeover.

Who is a candidate for Invisalign?

Ideal candidates for Invisalign may include those with the following issues and/or conditions:

  • Bite problems

  • Gapped teeth

  • Overcrowding

  • Crooked teeth

  • Overlapping teeth

Ultimately, Invisalign is a great option for those who don’t want to undergo lengthy orthodontic treatments. Teens and adults alike have seen success using this discreet alternative for orthodontics. This clear braces solution offers a faster path to a straighter smile. These braces eliminate the feel of bulky hardware that can be removed for eating, drinking, and brushing. Straightening the teeth allows you to properly brush and floss more efficiently, which gives you better oral health.

Reasons to consider Invisalign

Our professional team at SmilesNY is proud to bring our patients in New York the benefits of Invisalign. While traditional braces can be a great orthodontic option, Invisalign has many advantages, too:

  1. Easy to wear: Some of our patients who have successfully completed Invisalign treatment have raved about how easy and comfortable the trays are to wear throughout the day. The plastic material they are made from are computer generated in order to conform to your teeth and are smooth. Each tray is secured with resin buttons that are bonded to specific teeth within the arches to hold it in place.

  2. Undetectable: These trays are less noticeable than that of traditional metal braces. When you are wearing your aligners, they are inconspicuous.

  3. Removable: These aligners can be removed to eat, drink, brush, and floss the teeth. Traditional braces are known to allow food to collect. However, Invisalign trays can be taken out, which reduces plaque buildup. It is recommended that the patient brushes after eating and before putting the tray back in place. This will reduce the food particles that can become trapped between the aligner and the teeth. This lowers the risk of cavities and other dental problems.

  4. Better oral health: Since the aligners can be removed, patients see better oral hygiene results at home. Straightening teeth with this orthodontic option reduces the risk of tooth decay or gum disease from developing in the future.

  5. Faster treatment process: Invisalign treatment usually takes less time to complete than traditional metal braces. Depending on your needs or the severity of your oral health situation, Invisalign treatment can take anywhere from 6 – 18 months.

Schedule your Invisalign consultation in New York today

A straight smile makes you more confident. If crooked, gapped, or misaligned teeth are keeping you from feeling less than great about your smile, it’s time to find an effective treatment for smile repair. When you’re interested in learning about orthodontic options such as Invisalign, SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry is ready to help. To find out if it is the right orthodontic treatment for you, schedule a consultation with an Invisalign dentist in New York today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.