Have a Damaged Tooth? When to See a Dentist for a Crown

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Has your smile been affected by damaged, decayed, or discolored teeth? These types of oral conditions may not only diminish your once beautiful smile, but they may also impact your oral function. In many cases, the ideal method of treatment for these types of issues is a dental crown. A dental crown is capable of restoring a damaged tooth to its former look and function while blending in perfectly with your surrounding teeth. When damage threatens the look and health of a tooth, the team of dentists at SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry can help their New York City, NY, patients get back to smiling and laughing without hesitation.

At SmilesNY, our team of skilled, experienced dentists use dental crowns to fix issues with their patients’ teeth. Although they are a standard dental restoration procedure, some people may feel intimidated by the prospect of having crowns placed. Thanks to advancements in dental technology, the process is quite straightforward and nothing to be worried about. Below, the dentists at SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry detail how dental crowns can fix damaged teeth, and some of the signs it may be time to visit our office to talk about treatment.

Dental crowns explained

A dental crown is a fixed prosthetic tooth that is made to restore a damaged tooth to its original size and shape. A dental crown permanently adheres to a tooth or teeth that are cracked, severely decayed, or damaged in some way. Dental crowns are capable of replacing the outer portion or "crown" part of a natural tooth. When permanently placed, a custom-made dental crown fully covers the damaged tooth, sitting above the gum line, keeping bacteria out from under the tooth structure.

Is it time for a dental crown?

There are a variety of reasons that warrant a dental crown. Crowns are essential for restoring and maintaining the structural integrity of your mouth and bite. For example, when a tooth decays or breaks, it leaves a hole. That hole can create problems by interfering with your bite or when other teeth shift and move into it. By filling the gap, a dental crown restores your mouth's proper structure.  

The most common reasons men and women in New York City require a dental crown include: 

  • Large filling. When a tooth has a cavity or fracture that involves half the width of the tooth or more, it needs to be covered with a dental crown. The remaining tooth around the large filling is so weak that it is prone to fracture. 
  • Root canal. Root canals leave a tooth hollowed out, and the remaining tooth is prone to cracking. A tooth with a root canal almost always requires a dental crown to prevent it from fracturing.
  • Cracked tooth. New York City patients who have a fracture inside a tooth typically experience pain when chewing. A crown holds the tooth together and redistributes the stress evenly throughout the tooth, eliminating the pain.
  • Excessive wear. If a person has a habit of grinding their teeth, also known as bruxism, teeth can become shorter over time. This can cause the bite to collapse, and a dental crown is recommended to restore the teeth to their normal, functional size.
  • Part of a dental implant. Crowns can be placed on top of the posts of dental implants to restore spaces due to missing teeth. 

Crown material

Crowns are constructed of resilient, durable materials and are designed to endure daily wear and tear. After one of our expert dentists at SmilesNY cements the crown to your damaged tooth, it essentially becomes one with your existing tooth. Permanent crowns can be made from materials such as:

  • Stainless steel
  • Gold or platinum metals
  • Porcelain fused to metal
  • Resin
  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain

Ceramic or porcelain dental crowns provide a better natural color match and are a good option for people who have metal allergies. Ceramic and porcelain crowns can also be used for the front and back teeth. 

Advantages of dental crowns

If one of our dentists tells you it’s time for a dental crown, rest assured, they have many benefits: 

  • They look natural
  • Biting and chewing are restored
  • Camouflages discolored teeth
  • Repairs teeth with tooth decay
  • Rebuilds broken or worn teeth
  • Strengthens teeth with root canals
  • Fixes misshapen teeth

What is the lifespan of a dental crown?

Dental crowns are a fantastic way to restore the appearance of your mouth. They will go unnoticed among your natural teeth, and dental crowns last between 5 – 15 years on average. The lifespan will depend on the amount of "wear and tear" the crown is exposed to, your oral hygiene practices, and your habits. The dentists at SmilesNY in New York City recommend protecting your crowns by avoiding habits such as grinding or clenching your teeth, chewing ice, and eating hard or sticky foods. 

Whenever teeth are severely decayed, cracked, broken, or damaged, dental crowns have proven to be one of the most effective solutions. The skilled dentists at SmilesNY utilize dental crowns to restore the appearance, shape, and alignment of damaged teeth. Crowns are custom-made to look like natural teeth, so they are a good match with the rest of your teeth. If you think you may need a crown to address a dental issue, contact SmilesNY Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry in New York City, NY, to set up a consultation today. 

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.